Thursday, February 6, 2014

What Goes Around Comes Around..

What Goes Around Comes Around means Karma. This is an intentional action, that is, a deed done deliberately through body, speech or mind. It is a natural law that every action produces a certain effect. What goes around, comes around is an English proverb that means a person's actions, whether good or bad, will often have consequences for that person.

The phrase what goes around comes back around simply means that if someone does something bad something bad will, later on, happen to him/her.

This is a very tricky law to fully understand and takes a lifetime of work to master. Karma is the Sanskrit word for action and is derived from the root Kri meaning “to do”. In actuality, karma is both action and its consequence simultaneously.

At the most basic level, the law of karma is synonymous with the law of cause and effect. Common phrases associated with this law include “You Reap What You Sow” or the “Fruits Of One’s Labor”.

The universe has a perfect accounting system and all action has an equal and opposite reaction although this is not always easily perceived as such because the universe has its own time-line regarding how balance is maintained.

No debt ever goes unpaid or as they also say, no good deed goes unpunished. More importantly is our ability to understand how this law works in our present life and how we can use it to change our now and our future to lead more aware, fulfilling and happier lives.

Our entire state of affairs in life is defined by all of the actions that have preceded us this very moment. No one else is to blame for our current situation. Even the most righteous people have mixed karma because we do not also choose right action 100% of the time.

An interesting metaphor can be seen through the act of shooting a bow and arrow. When you pull back the bow, this represents the action whereby we have a choice to determine the outcome of the path the arrow shoots.

However, once the bow is released, the arrow must travel on its path until it reaches its destination. It cannot be undone once it begins traveling until its cycle of motion and energy is played out.

So do good deed, belive that one day it will repay back good deeds too.  

1 comment:

  1. Be good, do good then you will recived good things in life.
