Wednesday, September 28, 2011

“Your decision that you made today reflects what you going to have tomorrow and later on, so decide wisely. Use your mind and your heart not your emotion.” Babah-Mohd Sarif Musa
 My father, the man I looked up to. He teaches me what is life and death .What is sadness, what happiness is, what is rich and what is poor. He never teach me based on textbook..but by his words of wisdom, jokes and stories. He is very strict and protective and yet always makes me laugh out loud.
He always said to me to think twice before making any decision. Is the decision that I made by my emotion or by mind? Who will be affected with the decision that I made? What are the risks? Can I handle the risks? Can I take it? Always discuss with parents or ederly get their point of view.How bad you want it and is it  because everybody has it or is a need?
There are so many questions I have to answer before the decision is made. Is not easy for a simple needs like “can I go for a movie with my friends?” or “can I have this for dinner instead of these?” huh sound odd but yes…my father will have question for everything I do. From choosing  which University to go, to jobs, friends and boyfriends. (I don’t discuss about boyfriends with my father that is so odd. Only with mom.)Is like telling mom-father will know.
But everything happens for a reason right? Even you have made the decision wisely and the effort to make it happened and yet it did not turn out as what we planned. But  again I was planted from day 1..belive in Takdir , Qadaq and Qadar. Things did not work because….is it my fault or is it theirs? Always see both side of coin, Each tells a different stories .At the end never put too much blame on us or even others.Learn from mistakes and how to improvise about it.
That is what I have been thought…and it have been fill nicely for my resources for the journey of my life ahead without him by my side as guidance.

Missing u babah..

Babah with nephew semasa bercuti di Turki.
Di Masjid Nabawi with the boys....

Monday, September 19, 2011

Selamat Semuanya Wahai Iman...

Tak sangka ,tarikh lahir anak sulong aku sama dengan HARI MALAYSIA dan dalam mood Raya 1432H.Masuk tahun nih dah lapan tahun dah dia..sekejap betul masa berlalu.8 tahun dulu  kakinya sebesar tapak tangan aku.Sekarang dah tinggi pandai berkata -kata dan bijak dalam pelajaran.

Anak sulung nih, banyak keistimewaannya.Ya lah, dia first born jadi semuanya pengalaman baru bagi both of us.Pengalaman masa mula-mula melahirkan dia susah tapi ya lah dengan kesabaran berjaya juga.Alhamdulillah lahir lah anak sulong kami Iman Yazmeen Hani yg beratnya hampir 4kg.Kini dia sebagai kakak kepada 2 orang adik sudah pandai memikul tanggungjawab sebagai dan juga Orang Kanan saya yg paling penting.
Hari jadi kali ini khusus disambut bersama teman baik dan adik tersayang.Itulah permintaannya.Selama ini dia tidak menceritakan siapa teman baiknya.Malah dia tak punya ramai kawan.Hanya tertentu sahaja, kali ni Iman seperti nak memperkenalkan kawan baiknya kapada saya.

Tema kali ni..POWER  PUFF GIRLS ,dia peminat no1.Ini kerana PPG melambangkan kekuatan, bijak,kecomelan, dan semangat kerjasama.Ya harap begitulah dia dan adiknya-adiknya.Merasakan dirinya Blossom yg mempunyai born leadership,berfikiran jauh,playfull spirit dan relible.Seorang yg tegas dan perfectionist dalam segala hal. Malah Iman adalah seorang yg  honest and reliable. Tak malu dalam melaksanakan tanggungjawab and would be logical and rational in her thought process. Understanding and analyzing people itu lah Iman,meneliti orang sebelum dia berkenalan.Patutlah tak ramai kawan.Anyway is ok,berhati hati dalam pemilihan kawan.Iman suka membaca dan menghafal sungguh jauh berbeza dari saya. Itulah anak saya yg saya bangga dan sayang.

Dear Iman
Mama wishes you happy birthday,u are are usually quite easy to raise.  You are super neat, organized, and have a gentle sense of humor . Insyallah ur wishes will come true.Hope you are happy always and mama always love you unconditionally.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Seorang Putri Yg Baik Hati-Izwah Yazmin

Al-Kisah seorang Putri yg aku kenali..

Putri Izwah or Izwah good looking  and forever slim and slander woman with brains, a very interesting and mysterious person. She has a fast movement and she could not sit still or stand still long. Always and must be on the move.Be it masa kerja or even being temporary heheh housewife.This Putri of mine is able to do many things at the same time and do it fast.

She is soo busy and always on the move still manage to have another bundle of joy.Atilia Puteri yg ke 4 Comeyyyyy.
She is a dreamer and has many dreams. She eager to learn something
new all the time. Even she is the 2 in 1 mixed character type.Even when she likes to be friend with me and wonder about my wit, she will also see and inspect my bad side at the same time, because it is in her nature. But I don’t mind because to be a good BFF we must except the bad and good about us .
Buruk dan Baik aku ,terima seadanya dengan hati terbuka dan ikhlas.

Izwah suka  join apa jua activities with the same energy that I have.  Kalau I ada new projects dan tahu aku ada masalah ker atau benda baru nak cuba, she can give me good advice.Once you get to know her, she will be a supportive person and always be beside you.

She has a beautiful dream and she loves to have someone walk side by side with her, together and equally. She can be your best buddy and talk to you about anything.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Partner In Crime -Amirah Bakri

Well what can I Amirah Bakri is my partner in doing Crime and Justice.Both of us the Gadis from the “The Land of  9 Countries ” (heheh.Sound like a Super Heroin Comic.)We both must have a car or should i say SUPER MOBILE..kalau tak ,patah kaki lah Heroin ni ,nak buat "JUSTICE"kena lah   ada kereta . We love going out..hobi lah katakan. And her house is like the “IBU PEJABAT” where food  and place to do the "crime"and lepak after school .Tea breaks are superb,tea and goreng pisang panas or whatever kuih always serve with warm hearted Amirah’s mom.
Miera's mom terbaik.Baik sungguh melayan aku yg tak tau malu nih,asal datang jer sure ada teh o dan kuih.Mak aku pon tak terlayan aku.Thanks Makcik Husna.
Sleepover at her place was somewhat I feel comfort. I enjoyed being around with her family.I recall tidur rumah wan dan atok dia at Seremban..BEST giler !Even my arwah babah likes Miera,and except her a part of our family too. I guess she must missing my babah too……………….
Yg pergi tetap dan pasti,tapi Allah balikkan dengan Anugerah yg tak ternilai ini. Anak Miera yg ke-4.Paling latest.Ammar namanya.Macam nama umi dia Amirah

She is Born under the same star like my mom and my husband, so is easy for me to understand her. But I find Miera  a little bit strange , she is not like other  Taurean  supposed to be ,homebodies and prefer to spend their time there.  She love to be out of the house driving to new shops and food place to venture and happening places to be.Of course when we were not married  both of us will go out and do things together like shopping , go to movies and eat out sampai lewat malam baru balik.I remember we even go to few mosque during Ramadhan just to try out the moreh , solat kat masjid yg berlainan..Ramadhan masa tu best sangat. We love trying new things.

Miera is a loyal and faithful BFF..ask her to teman kemana-mana dia pasti ikut , join any club,MLM, do that and this she sure be there. She sure will give the support that I need. Traditional traits of Miera that I find interesting is her emotional strength .She don’t become upset easily ,she also  avoid looking for sympathy and she will instead rely on her independence and fortitude to get through a stressful situation but don’t provoke her,she have volatile tempers and the capacity for extreme kedegilan.Hahahah  she won't budge on her views unless she's given a very good reason to change them.Ini tersangat Miera yg aku kenal
But again Miera is  always happy and positive in life and makes other feel happy by her side. She’s independence, introversion, and  have a flair for the artistic. Aha! She is Artistic…I guess no one knew about this. I dah tahu lama..just that she never expose her ability. But now  baru aku tahu she can bake Apam Polkodot! Check it out.

Ni Yg aku Order from her.I support Miera apa jua dia buat.I hope dan doakan dia terus buat Apam yg kiut miut nih jadi BUSINESS BESAR!.

Ni lah Apam Polkodot Miera..nampak best.Ceria sangat color dia.

Miera you always ready to provide support and  guidance to me all these years being friends. Thanks for being my closest friend.
Partner In Crime forever ....

Khas buat Miera....

Monday, September 12, 2011

Isi dan Kuku-Farisa Debie Resat

It is said a friend in need is a friend indeed. An ideal friend possesses all the qualities of head and heart. It is easy to befriend many but difficult to choose good friends. God gives us relatives by virtue of being born in a family, but friends we can choose. A Definition of a Friend Friendship is not simply a "relationship", knowing someone, conversing with that person, or dealing with that person in business, school, or in casual acquaintance. True friendship is not just a "relationship", but self-sacrificing love. A friend is also one who supports, sympathizes, and is a person in whom you can confide and that friend is my dear Farisa Debie Resat. I must admit   we are like “isi dan kuku”.  We cannot be separated. I knew her 21 years ago and till now we still remain as BFF.

Farisa a girl from Petra Jaya , Sarawak  a young  girl back then  with a thin body. But she has scholarly looks that impressed me. She has a personality and manners that never fail to make an impression on others. Straightforward and outspoken even she looks so timid and quiet. So never judge a person by their looks hehehehe. (Till now I don’t know how to speak  a single Sarawakian  of all the years been BFF!)
Farisa and myself have been going thru a lot of interesting things in life in high school and Uni.We  have so much in common.Its like Serupa tapi tak sama.We like the same music,we both creative in our own ways, we like to argue, we like the same clothing, the same colors, food , movies and hobbies.We have the same opinion and like the same things most of the time .The  different things about us is our physical and height.

What I find amazing is, I cannot live without her. Obsessed? Not really ,is like I like to be with her, I feel comfort and it’s like all my troubles just fade away being with her. We know each other too well. All my darkest secret well kept with her so thus hers. She helps me when I’m down and only her can I laugh with her silly jokes .She herself is a funny girl and  a shoulder to cry on. We shared so many things but not boyfriends NOPE. She sure has a good taste on choosing men. I’m impressed JNow a mother with 2 handsome boys and with a charming  looking  and loving husband  J I’m happy for her life now. Me and you always and forever friends for life.
Dedicated to my dear Farisa…..

When everything is wrong I'll come talk to you
You make things alright when I'm feeling blue

You are such a blessing and I wont be messing
With the one thing that brings light to all of my darkness

You're my best friend
and I love you, and I love you
Yes I do

There is no other one who can take your place
I feel happy inside when I see your face
I hope you believe me
Cause I speak sincerely
and I mean it when I tell you that I need youWhen everything is wrong I'll come talk to you
You make things alright when I'm feeling blue

You are such a blessing and I wont be messing
With the one thing that brings light to all of my darkness

You're my best friend
and I love you, and I love you
Yes I do

There is no other one who can take your place
I feel happy inside when I see your face
I hope you believe me
Cause I speak sincerely
and I mean it when I tell you that I need you

Adik&Kakak Baju Kanak-Kanak-Nor Haliza Othman

Nor Haliza Othman,Haliza Othman ,LizOthman,Ija dan Dikja.Semua orang yg sama.Sahabat dari awal masuk ITM sampai beranak pinak.Kami datang dari keluarga yg berbeza dan latar belakang yg kontra.Tapi bukanlah penghalang untuk kami bersahabat.Dikja banyak bantu aku dalam zaman Uni aku.Dia jarang mengeluh dan komplen melayan kerenah aku.Kami sama masuk bidang Art dan fesyen...kami sama melalui kepayahan belajar di menara gading.Bukan mudah tapi kami usaha bagai nak rak juga lah kami bukan sekadar menjahit,melakar rekaan ,buat pattern malah ber"catwalk" di bilik asrama Jati  dan ber"pose" gedik sambil membuat assigment lain-lain dari lecturer..hahaah those were my best time of my life.

With her designs behind us

Dari awal lagi dikja memang pandai menjahit dari aku.Nampak bakat dia ada,sangkaan aku tepat sekali.Dengan kebolehan yg dia ada pasti satu hari menjadi designer.Ya, ternyata kini dia menjadi designer pakaian kanak kanak.Sesuai dengan sifat Dikja yg suka kan kanak -kanak dan manja.Tapi dikja ni cekal mengharungi segala macam dugaan untuk capai apa yg dia ada sekarang.Dikja,yg aku panggil sebab dia manja dan muda dari aku beberapa minggu sahaja tahun sama.Pelik bukan? dia sulong aku bongsu tapi aku panggil dia "dik"..motif? ntah mungkin aku nak rasa macam mana jadi akak dan dia gedik nak jadik adik...jadi kami swap.Tak sangka melekat sampai la nih.

A proud ibu and a talented designer with her creations go to

Our relashionship tak complicated..simple and yet very interesting.She is the most trusted..macam penyimpan mohor rahsia besar and paling tenang.Compare to myself yg kelam kelibut dan huru hara she is relax and take  things at one time.She teaches me to be more detail in doing things,she belives that kalau buat suatu perkara, buat dengan kemas,rapi dan cantik.Arghhhh..too perfect i'm all messed up.I'm ispired by her kesabaran dan ketekunan.One thing in common we love food...kampong food especially.It reminds me of my childhood in kampong life and that's making me happy and bringing back my sweetest memories.And then best part is dikja will cook for nice and toughtful of her.

Adik buat nih untuk aku, tapi tak sempat  nak rasa, hanya gambar sebagi tatapan,tengok gambar yg dia send aku nih pon aku dah happy.Dikja tau  fav aku laksa..hmm sedap Simple yet nice,Tu belum mangga cicah ngan kuah rojak..Mangga pun aku tak kupas tau, dikja buat semua untuk aku...hahah syiok ada adik mcm nih.

I'm thankful that we are BFF.She listen to mydarkness, my pain and my sorrow and she would do anything for me to be happy, i'm blessed and greatfull because she did all with her heart and soul.She is not just a friend but a sister that i never had.
"Makan sepinggan,tidor sebantal,pusat sepusing ,mak pak lain-lain"

Sunday, September 11, 2011

One tough cookie-Mizz Fuzzy

Fuzzy muzzy my cuddly, one of my BFF.She is an ordinary girl who does extra-ordinary things in her life.She never gives up always strive for the best in life.She makes me realize that what is life all about.It's not just bed of roses or silver lining..its more like roller coaster.Ups and down and spinning around and at the end we enjoyed the crazy ride with tears and laughter.

From JB datang  ke PJ in 1992.Mula mula kenal  she looks 'langsi' but actually she's innocent and lurus bendul betul.Ulat buku rupanya..dan always follow by the rule well almost.That's why dia been selected jadi prefect kat sekolah.Meanwhile..i was the person believe that rules are meant to be broken.I seldom read books ,fashion and entertainment magazine was like my textbook and i was totally opposite from her.But i guess opposite attracts.She's into this hip hop music while i will be liking jazz and rock music.I can be very sentimental and emotional and she can be very strong headed patutlah buleh jadi prefect...strict dan keras hati  betul heheheh tapi sekeras hati dia..ada kebaikan dan ketulusan.

Above all her strictest lifestyle in teens and being obedient ,prefect in school and very tegas again book worm..she is actually funny.She laugh at all my silly jokes and she always tell me wonderful stories from her life,her readings and her writing.She always have stories to be told be it -, sad, happy and inspiring. Deep in her, she is actually a vibrant and a very daring  girl .She teaches me that we lives once so always do our best and never gives up for the things that we love and believe in.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Jagger Fever.........


Maroon5-Moves like Jagger

What with Jagger?Feat Jagger and Song for Jagger...What is it about Mick? With all this Jaggerism Phenomenon.Is it his moves or the way he sings?This British "Atok" suddenly become famous again..they make music about his sleek moves and dance and also feat in SuperHeavy.Then again i find this music very catchy and i start to like it...its something about Jagger!

Boom Boom Bang! Kampong Style

Bunga Api  25 DAS! Cap CAKE

Mewarnai Langit Kelam dan memecah kesunyian raya di kampong.

Paklong/Tok Hamid
Tuu Diah Sakan Boom Boom Bang!...Raya Di Kampong Badlishah,Kulim Kedah seminggu lepas memang hebat!Walupun 2 dari 6 anak Paklong/Tok Hamidtak balik tapi kemeriahan tetap dirasa bersama cucunya yg lain..Kali ni sambutan agak berbeza.Ya kemaafan tu tetap ada ,yg jauh telah di rapatkan dan yg salah silap di ampunkan menjadi iktibar dan pedoman masa hadapan.Jamuan malam raya agak berbeza dengan BBQ

yg diuruskan oleh chef chef terpendam seperti Nizam Hamid,Abg Tan Hamid,Abang Chop Hamid dan dikelolakan oleh Abang Wan Hamid malah Percikan Bunga Api dan Mercun

Anak anak buah
yg di sponsor oleh Nizam  Hamid memecah kesunyian Kg Badlishah.Malam raya ke-3 macam pesta, bukan sahaja disambut ngan anak cucu tapi dengan adik beradik ipar duai Pak Long Hamid,jiran dan anak buah yg  lain.Ramai sungguh.

Opick,Anak Abang Tan Hamid ,dok tunjuk bunga api Kumbang Hitam yg meletop KEBABom!!

Bunga Api Torch
Cucu Perempuan Paklong Hamid../Cucu Perempuan
Tok Hamid semua Srikandi..hebat belaka semua "kaki bunga api"

Pak Long/Tok Hamid ...seronok sangat.Insyallah Tahun depan ya Paklong/Tok Hamid..kalau semua balik kita sambut lagi .dengan acara yg lebih kreatif ,mesra dan terbaik.

Jauh di Mata dekat di Hati-Nurul Ain

This is one of my BFF..the unique one.We don't really get along very well at the beginning of our friendship back in 1992.But i knew this innocent looking(look can be deceiving you know heheh) girl will be one of my closest friend .I was annoying to her at first and i  did enjoy doing it to her most of the time.Its like we both knew our weakness that we both actually overlook at our inner strength.With understanding and strength within ouself that makes us closer and appreciate each other.I must admit she's the cute (OMG! I admit you ni memang comel)one and actually cute with brains.Serious!..I mean doing PhD in Wellington NZ leaving her husband and her precious Aisha...i tell you is not easy but i guess I'm proud of her determination,her persistent and her joyful attitude that makes her very special.We never get enough with  funny sarcastic remarks and making fun to each other.Its fun being around with her.I miss her "merajuk" moments and she's good at it.She seldom does that anymore now days and i hope she will never do it again..."ayoyo" no lahh .I guess as we grow gracefully being mom we intend to enjoy life better and appreciate the moments being good friend for life.Till now we never stop teasing each other..will we ever stop? Never.That's our speciality.

An the best part is...We joke and make fun of each other, we laugh our lungs out and do Crazy things together but we never spill the beans,we  trust each other and both of us share and gives the motivation and inspiration that we both need.She is the "GO GETTER" she never gives up for everything she does in her life and of course for her dear friends.

"We've laughed, cried, spoken some words that we didn't mean to each other, gone absolutely mad, traveled half way across the world, done things that we HOPE our kids won't do and seen each other at our best and our worst... clearly.. i think you and farisa know me best.. :)"
-from Nurul Ain Hassan

~"Aien , Jauh diMata Dekat diHati"~

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya Merdeka

SELAMAT MERDEKA HARI RAYA , Maaf Zahir dan Batin..Aku busy giler s tak sempat nak update blog, dari akhir Ramadhan aku dok sebok urus kan  kerja ,rumah dan keluraga hingga Raya ke -5 nih.
Kebanyakkan semua orang disini sudah menjalankan aktiviti biasa.Raya semacam cukup 3 hari lepas tu semua back to normal.Tapi bukan aku..Raya Eid bagi aku kena cukup 30 hari..baru puas walau aku balik kerja .
Tahun ni special sangat Raya sebab  dalam bulan Syawal nih, banyak hati aku nak kena gembirakan.I have a lot of mission to be done during this festive month, such as visiting my relatives, giving to the poor and visit them. The month of Syawal is more a giving month and enjoy the happiness together especially with families.
This year celebaration was Fantastico!...I did not answer any call or even messages. I totally shut off even my face book and twitter. I make a point this year full concentration with my family  both side ONLY.Why? because this year is very special year..New hopes, new book of life and a true forgiveness..Hari raya ke 2 sampai 5 aku kat kampong my in-laws .Ramai juga..seronok.Yg sentap dah baik semula.Alhamdulillah.Raya kampong kali nih ada BBQ dan Bunga Api 130 das!..Tuuu dia Habat betul Raya Kampong..Anak cucu, saudara mara semua balik dan berkumpul.Dan paling best anak buah aku dulu yg berhingus dah besar cantik dan handsome.Malah semua dah ada FB sakan ..ada yg dah ada boyfriend girlfriend hehehe.Cepat they grow up.Ada juga my husband cousin yg dah ada “new edition “ in the family tak kira lah anak baru, bini baru atau laki baru.Abang inlaw aku kat kampong dapat bantuan KEDA dari kerajaan Kedah untuk buat  rumah…wah! Kira banayk perkembanagn terbaru.Dan  ada juga yg meninggall sebelum Puasa menghadap ilahi.Alfatihah buat Arwah ayah Kak Norsiah dan Kak Tarita..kedua –duanya biras aku.

Tapi tu lah kehidupan  setiap tahun ada sahaja perkembangan,ada peristiwa suka duka…tapi Syawal kali ini adalah terbaik dari sebelumnya.Betul –betul kemaafan dipinta bukan sekadar dibibir sahaja. MERDEKAKAN hati dengan kemaafan