Kenangan 2012 akan aku abadikan dalam hati aku selamanya..yes 2012 is fading but the memories still instill in me forever.Aku melalui berbagai dugaan dalam hidup,kerjaya dan aku juga melalui kenangan manis.Yg pahit aku tak buang dan yg manis aku tak terus telan.Maafkan aku...i have done alot of mitakes this year....but nevertheless i always wanted to improve and learn from my mistakes.
2013 akan menyusup tak lama lagi Emerge 2013 in my life, is another chapter another chance to be a better person.Yes, i have not been a good person,a good daughter,mother,wife,sister and as a friend.But i hope 2013 will give me a chance to improve my life.My kerjaya is also giving me lots of dugaan dan ujian yg sukar,but im taking baby steps to move up and prove to myself i can do it.
So 2013, bring it ON!..Im changing to a new me, new body,new health but the one i love i keep it as it is.I never want to forget what i can remember...
See You All Next Year!..InSyaaAllah
Food and Laughter with a Dash of Sweetness and a Pinch of Sorrow.Adding Art in Soul to make life Grow.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Salah aku kah? Begitulah anggapan...
HARI INI yakni..sekarang, semakin hari aku makin dilamun perasaan bersalah hurm, entah lah. Aku sendiri sesal dan aku pasti aku tahu dari mana datang perasan itu.Benda dah jadi, makin di simpan makin parah.Aku dah lupakan apa yg tidak manis,yg lebih penting kenangan manis kita, untuk terus hidup sebagai kenangan. Dengan rendah diri, aku minta maaf pada kau atas ketidak prihatinan aku terhadap perasaan kau,tidak terus terang dgn kau sehingga kau mencurigai aku dan segala kesalahan aku pada kau selama kita bergelar sahabat BFF 2 Dekad.Mungkinkah akan ada lagi persahabatan itu? Mungkin nama aku telah padam kerana aku paham benar pendirian kau.
Aku mungkin bukan sahabat kau lagi...itu yg kau anggap tapi bukan aku aku rasakan.Setelah kau delete aku,aku juga harap aku bukan LAWAN untuk kau.
Maafkan aku wahai sahabat,tidak terlintas melukakan hati kau walau adakalanya hati aku ini terluka dan tersinggung dengan sikap kau.Ya..tapi tetap hati aku ni masih memaafkan kau jua.Sesungguhnya aku ingin berterus terang dengan kau.Apa kan daya hati dan lidah aku ini tidak berkata.Malah seperti masa tidak memberi aku ruang .Sepi seribu bahasa sehingga kau anggap yg lain pula.Ternyata niat,perbuatan aku,kemeriahan bersama yg lain disalah erti,tapi tak mengap,aku tak salah kan kau.Ia semua salah aku bukan?Anggaplah apa yg kau nak anggapkan tentang diriku.Aku doakan kau kesejahteraan abadi,kebahagiaan selamanya bersama kelurga sakinah kau.
ALLAH jua mengetahui segalanya.Apa yg berlaku atas kehendak ALLAH.Tidak daya aku menghalang apa yg telah terjadi.Apa yg ditakdirkan semuanya ada hikmah wahai sahabat ku.Semoga ia menjadi iktibar buat kita setelah 20 tahun bersama.Hilang kekasih senang berganti, hilang sahabat kenangannya abadi dan sukar diganti
Friday, December 21, 2012
12.21.12 TARIKH INI BENAR...
Apa nak jadi dengan kehidupan kita.? Apa yg heboh sangat pasal 12.21.12 ni?Bagi aku biasa jer mcm hari biasa.Tapi tarikh nijatuh pada hari Jumaat.Hairan?Apa nak dihairankan.Tarikh ini juga permulaan bagi aku tulis dan aktif berblog,tarikh ini juga aku sedar akan kelemahan diri,hari ni juga aku menyesal atas perbuatan aku sendiri.Tapi aku tak nak jadi syirik percaya benda pelik akan berlaku..khurafat!!! Tapi sebagai anjakan paradigma bagi aku untuk berubah.
Hari ini.21 Disember 2012,bersamaan 7 Safar 1434H iaitu pada hari Jumaat yang mulia ini,kononnya,ramai hamba Allah yang mengatakan dan meramalkan pada hari ini akan berlakunya KIAMAT atau penamat hayat bumi ini.Ramai hamba Allah yang percaya pada ini akan berlakunya kiamat sehingga mereka.Namun sebenarnya apa yang berlaku pada hari ini sebenarnya bukanlah hari kiamat seperti yang digembar-gemburkan,sebaliknya ia merupakan satu permulaan baru dalam kalendar masyarakat Mesoamerika.
Masyarakat Mesoamerika percaya,pada hari ini,merupakan hari terakhir dalam kitaran panjang 5,125 tahun kalendar Long Count.Bermula esok,mereka percaya akan bermulanya kitaran 5,125 tahun berikutnya yang baru.Bermakna,hari ini merupakan hari terakhir dalam tempoh 5,125 tahun sebelum pada esok akan bermulanya hari dan kitaran tahun yang baru.Ia seumpama odometer kereta yang kembali kepada sifar selepas bergerak lebih dari 100,000 kilometer.
Jadi,tarikh 'keramat' 21 Disember 2012 bukanlah 'hari kiamat' seperti yang digembar-gemburkan,sebaliknya merupakan hari permulaan baru untuk membuang segala sikap dan teladan yang buruk dan digantikan dengan sikap dan teladan yang lebih baik.Andainya kita mempunyai segala kesilapan,masih belum terlambat untuk menjernihkannya semula.
Soal kiamat ataupun tidak,wallahualam...,itu urusan Allah s.w.t.Hanya Dia yang mengetahui bila akan berlaku kiamat yang sebenar.Yang penting kita harus menambah 'saham' akhirat sebanyak yang boleh.Ajal dan maut itu ialah kehendak-Nya.
Dalam Islam,kita harus percaya bahawa kiamat hanya ditentukan oleh Zat yang mencipta bumi ini.Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w.:
" Bersegeralah melakukan amal-amal soleh sebelum datangnya enam perkara iaitu:Dajjal dan Ad-Dukhan (asap kabut),binatang melata di bumi,terbitnya matahari di tempat terbenamnya (arah barat),kehancuran dunia secara total dan kematian diri-mu sendiri,"(Sahih Muslim,Bab Fi Baqiyyah min Ahaadiitsi Ad-Dajjal 18:87.)
Jadikanlah ia sebagai iktibar kepada anda dan diri saya semdiri.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
My Middle Of Ramadhan 1433
Salam and Good Day Everyone,
As you know today is the 20th Ramadhan,meaning it is our 20days of fasting.Alhamdulillah everyday for me is blessing from Allah.This year only once or twice i bought food at the food bazzar and only twice i did my Iftar out from home,not with my friends but because of my job.
I prefer to cook and Iftar with my family.Especially with my husband and my kids. But this middle of Ramadhan makes me very sad,i don't know whether i will be seeing another Ramadhan, but i pray that i want to see the next coming Ramadhan.On top of that I lost a friend..Inna Lilla ha wa inna eleh Rajeoon.
Elly was a wonderful friend.She usally enjoy listen to my stories and jokes.She passed away peacfully last Sunday 5th August 17th Ramadhan.Even we are not close, but we still friends.There are very few things in life that are harder to face than the sudden death of a friend. The loss of their life can make you feel like you have an enormous hole inside yourself.Especially when you did not have time just to pay her a visit.I felt full of regret.We only communicate thru facebook when she fall sick last year.But last few month she was in good condition.In June she invited me to her daughter birthday party, i could not make it as i have other plans that day.
Oh i wish i could visit her , hug her and say you are looking much better now.But now is just too late.Allah love her more.She will be in my toughts and prayer.
As you know today is the 20th Ramadhan,meaning it is our 20days of fasting.Alhamdulillah everyday for me is blessing from Allah.This year only once or twice i bought food at the food bazzar and only twice i did my Iftar out from home,not with my friends but because of my job.
I prefer to cook and Iftar with my family.Especially with my husband and my kids. But this middle of Ramadhan makes me very sad,i don't know whether i will be seeing another Ramadhan, but i pray that i want to see the next coming Ramadhan.On top of that I lost a friend..Inna Lilla ha wa inna eleh Rajeoon.
Elly was a wonderful friend.She usally enjoy listen to my stories and jokes.She passed away peacfully last Sunday 5th August 17th Ramadhan.Even we are not close, but we still friends.There are very few things in life that are harder to face than the sudden death of a friend. The loss of their life can make you feel like you have an enormous hole inside yourself.Especially when you did not have time just to pay her a visit.I felt full of regret.We only communicate thru facebook when she fall sick last year.But last few month she was in good condition.In June she invited me to her daughter birthday party, i could not make it as i have other plans that day.
Oh i wish i could visit her , hug her and say you are looking much better now.But now is just too late.Allah love her more.She will be in my toughts and prayer.
Everyone shall taste death. And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever is removed away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is successful. The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception (a deceiving thing).
( سورة آل عمران , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #185)
So are we ready for our Death?
Hamid al-Qasyrasi (rahimahullah) said:
“Though we know death is certain, we have not prepared ourselves for it.
Though we know paradise is definite, we have not worked for it.
Though we know the hell fire is certain, we have not feared it.
So why are you delighted?
What are you waiting for?
Death is the first visitor from the Almighty bringing good or evil tidings… so get closer to your Lord!”
Though we know paradise is definite, we have not worked for it.
Though we know the hell fire is certain, we have not feared it.
So why are you delighted?
What are you waiting for?
Death is the first visitor from the Almighty bringing good or evil tidings… so get closer to your Lord!”
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Himpunan Mukjizat Doa & Zikir: Bagi Anak Yang Teramat Degil
Himpunan Mukjizat Doa & Zikir: Bagi Anak Yang Teramat Degil: Allah Maha Lembut terhadap hamba-hambanya DIA memberi rezeki kepada sesiapa yang dikehendakinya dan DIA lah yang Maha Kuat lagi Maha Perkasa.Maha Penyayang,Maha Pengampun...
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Ceramah Ustaz Azhar Idrus di Masjid Bulat PJ 29/7/2012
Assalamulaikum semua,Dah 12 Ramadhan kan..sekejappp sangat.
Bagaimana puasa setakat ini? ok masih yg bertahan? Amal ibadah semua ok?Dah check semua?Ada bayar Zakat tak? Ada sedekah tak? Ada marah -marah tak? Ada ngumpat tak? Kalau ada cuba control banyak ok..susah kan nak kawal,biaslah benda sedap susah nak let go.Tapi kita kena lah kawal sikit ok.Cuba ok.Bukan untuk kita, tapi untuk Allah.
Baiklah,aktiviti ahad lepas sangat menarik,Ustaz Azhar Idrus datang berkunjung ke Masjid Bulat PJ, menajwab segala kemusykilan.Ramai yg hadir memeriahkan suasana.Kira jam kat luar masjid tu macam solat Jumaat.Siapa ada gerai jualan barangan dan makanan dari arab macam kurma,kismis dan sebagainya.
Macam biasa mak aku sebok dari pukul 12.00 tengah hari.Siann mak bertugas dari sebelum Zohor sampai nak bukak Puasa.Mak orang kuat kat masjid,dia menguruskan kutipan derma untuk masjid dibantu oleh sukarelawan dari Student UIA di PJ..Tapi mak aku steadyyyy.Tepat jam 5.00 lepas solat asar Ustaz Ahzar pon memberi ceramahnya, kita kaum Hawa dok kat bawah dewan masjid ada tengok kat situ jer lah.Aku dok betul sebelah speaker heheh tuuu dia.
Mak kata "Awat tak mai solat asar sekali..mai lambat.Nizam dan budak mana?" heheh Mak aku biasalah.Aku jawab" Sumi off day mak, so Nizam jaga budak dia pon nak pergi,tapi anak pulak tidor.Jadi su jer solat kat umah jer mak".Nasib baik suami izin kan..siannn suami aku nakk sangat pergi.Elok jer aku berdedar, Sumi aku balik.Aku call Suami aku jom la mai,dia kat"takpa lah you pi,i nak beli budak KFC,iman nak bukak puasa.Kirim salam ek kat Ustaz"...insyallah kalau i ada berpeluang bercakap dengan dia.
Memang jam lah masjid , ramainyer orang.Ustaz menjawab beberapa kemusykilan hal berkenaan agama.
Ini Adalah antara AJK masjid.dan orang kuat Masjid sempat bermesara dengan Ustaz.Seprti Prof Dr Dzul, Tuan Haji Hanafi dan qariah masjid yang hadir pada ceramahnya semalam.
Bagaimana puasa setakat ini? ok masih yg bertahan? Amal ibadah semua ok?Dah check semua?Ada bayar Zakat tak? Ada sedekah tak? Ada marah -marah tak? Ada ngumpat tak? Kalau ada cuba control banyak ok..susah kan nak kawal,biaslah benda sedap susah nak let go.Tapi kita kena lah kawal sikit ok.Cuba ok.Bukan untuk kita, tapi untuk Allah.
Baiklah,aktiviti ahad lepas sangat menarik,Ustaz Azhar Idrus datang berkunjung ke Masjid Bulat PJ, menajwab segala kemusykilan.Ramai yg hadir memeriahkan suasana.Kira jam kat luar masjid tu macam solat Jumaat.Siapa ada gerai jualan barangan dan makanan dari arab macam kurma,kismis dan sebagainya.
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Mak dok kira duit derma.Alhamdulillah semua nya cukup. |
Memang jam lah masjid , ramainyer orang.Ustaz menjawab beberapa kemusykilan hal berkenaan agama.
Ini Adalah antara AJK masjid.dan orang kuat Masjid sempat bermesara dengan Ustaz.Seprti Prof Dr Dzul, Tuan Haji Hanafi dan qariah masjid yang hadir pada ceramahnya semalam.
Insyallah Ustaz Azhar akan kembali ke Masjid Bulat ni lagi.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Olympics 2012
Assalamualaikun semua,Salam Ramadhan semua..alhamdulillah masuk hari ke-6 kita puasa.
Hi/Salam Everybody..
Before i go to the OLYMPIC 2012,let me tell you the brief history of Olympics ok?
Well as far as i know the Olympic Games, which began in 776BC in Greece, were the clearest expression of the origin of organised sport. The Games gathered competitors together on one site and integrated sport into a wider festival. They were taken very seriously. In Sparta youths were taken from their families and reared very strict ,conditions in preparation for combat, the forerunner of the modern training camp.
Those ancient Olympic festival took place in August or September. This was a hot and dry time of the year, a time when the farmers were not at their busiest and were, therefore, able to attend the Games.So no wonder it called the Summer Olympics,usally the spectators will take summer holidays to come and watch.
The Olympics were very cultural and in particular, very religious. The Games were held in honor of Zeus and during the middle of the competitions, 100 bison were sacrificed to him. Overtime, the site of the Olympics became a place of worship and a temple was built on the mountaintop. The Games were also a place where artists, sculptors and painters would go to display their work. Most of the art depicted natural human movement and many religious figures. The gathering of artists at the Olympics soon became a competition itself. During the 1908 Olympics, the first artistic competition was held and would become an important part of the Games in years to come.
Along with the Olympics being very cultural, the Olympics were very Political as well. The Games became a place where city-states could compete against each other and assert dominance over their rivals. Alliances were made at the Olympic Games and sacrifices were made in the times of war. Over the years, much controversy has occurred in the Political Arena at the Olympics and this was occurring all throughout history.
As you know today is the day of the 2012 OLYMPICS grand opening. The 2012 Summer Olympic Games will be held in London from 27 July to 12 August 2012, followed by the 2012 Paralympic Games from 29 August to 9 September.London hosted the Olympic games in 1908 and 1948 so making their 3rd time this year. But
I just love Olympics.Can you imagine the whole world come together.Expected 205 nations to take part in 300 events at the Olympic Games in 2012. 147 nations will take part in the Paralympic Games. Its just more than sports.Its about bringing people in Unity.From there we can see different kind of people,thier race,colors and cultures come together in one aim
For me is beyond sports, you see commitment, hard working and survival to be the best among the best.The Olympics remain unique as a sporting event. Held every four years, the Olympic Games represent the pinnacle of sporting achievement. Athletes sacrifice everything in the preceding four-year period for the chance of winning a medal, or even just for the honour of taking part. The Olympics, more than any other sporting event, have managed to find a place for the true amateur, the representative of the tiny nation alongside the millionaire superstar American sprinter. The Olympics also have an unrivalled pedigree
So here are the list of the countries that have hosted the Olympic games.
Logo is a symbol and trademark for any company. When it comes to creating logos for sports team or sports events like Olympics or Fifa World Cup, each and every small detail matters. The very first thing a logo does is id identifies the organization. It should spread the vision and the mission of the event. Olympics is held every four years, and every year a new logo is used to represent the country. A Mascot is either an animal, person or object to bring luck to the team or the event. Mascots are many a times the national animal or bird of the country or city where the team resides. Mascots embraces a global identity.As you can see below the logo evolve thru the years and it shows how art plays important role on the culture and poltic scene.
1896 - Greece
1904 - St. Louis, United States
1908 - London, United Kingdom
1912 - Stockholm, Sweden
1916 - Scheduled for Berlin, Germany*
1920 - Antwerp, Belgium
1924 - Paris, France
1928 - Amsterdam, Netherlands
1932 - Los Angeles, United States
1936 - Berlin, Germany
1940 - Scheduled for Tokyo, Japan*
1944 - Scheduled for London, United Kingdom* 1948 - London, United Kingdom
1952 - Helsinki, Finland
1956 - Melbourne, Australia
1960 - Rome, Italy
1964 - Tokyo, Japan
1968 - Mexico City, Mexico
Very roaring 60's
1972 - Munich, West Germany (now Germany)

1976 - Montreal, Canada
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It show's the modernity.Simple |

1980 - Moscow, U.S.S.R. (now Russia)
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Soo cute! |
The mascot of the Moscow Olymics was chosen with the help of a public opinion poll conducted jointly by the editorial boards of the TV programme “V mire zhivotnykh” (Animal World) and the newspaper Sovetski Sport (Soviet Sport). The majority of the 45,000 letters received suggested a bear.
1984 - Los Angeles, United States
This is the first time i saw the event in TV
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The most cute Mascot.American Eagle |
1988 - Seoul, South Korea

1992 - Barcelona, Spain
I love the logo Viva la Spain!

1996 - Atlanta, United States

2000 - Sydney, Australia

2004 - Athens, Greece

2008 - Beijing, China

2012 - London, United Kingdom
I still dont get this logo
Wenlock and Mandeville are the official mascots for the 2012 Summer Olympics and Paralympics being held in London, United Kingdom. Wenlock and Mandeville are animations depicting two drops of steel from a steelworks in Bolton. They are named after the Shropshire town of Much Wenlock, which held a forerunner of the current Olympic Games, and Stoke Mandeville Hospital, a facility in Buckinghamshire that initially organised the Stoke Mandeville Games, the precursor of the Paralympic Games.
And of course not forgetting our own TEAM MALAYSIA! MALAYSIA BOLEY!!! Bring Us Gold and Make us Proud!
And as for me i will be supporting the Malaysian team!
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