Food and Laughter with a Dash of Sweetness and a Pinch of Sorrow.Adding Art in Soul to make life Grow.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Persatuan Kaunseling Universiti Malaya: Kaunselor Pelatih
Persatuan Kaunseling Universiti Malaya: Kaunselor Pelatih: Kongsikan segala pengalaman dan Mari kita sama-sama wujudkan jaringan persahabatan seprofesion dengan berkongsi pandangan, pendapat, penga...
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Alhamdulillah..Dalam tempoh sebulan saya berjaya turun 4kg dari berat saya sebulan lalu 67kg.Malah suami saya berjaya turun 5kg.Tapi misi saya dan suami jauh lagi.Target saya masih panjang.Saya mesti turunkan berat badan saya lagi 15kg dan suami saya lagi 8kg..Saya masih ada 5 bulan to go! YES!!
Pada bulan nih saya tingkatkan lagi senaman POWER WALK.Dari 15 minit ke 30 minit.Sekarang bulan nih saya POWER WALK everyday 45minit dan kardio 15 minit so total 1 jam workout.
So what to cut down for this month…Is my drink.heheheh yes sugary drinks.
I now dah tak bubuh gula dalam kopi . Ada setengah minuman buleh buat kita jadi gemok dan ada yg memberi khasiat dan garam mineral untuk tubuh badan.So pilihlah minuman yg terbaik untuk diri sendiri.Jangan manis sangat hah...esok esok kaki kena potong ..eiiii seramm.Well kopi ada caffeine,dan caffeine nih buleh meningkatkan metabolism.Tapi no sugar.Black O
Now I dah avoid air bergula macam air dalam botol dan air tin sebab? Ini kerana, minuman itu mengandungi gula sebanyak 5-8 sudu teh.Banyak tu!Apabila terlampau banyak gula yang
diterima oleh badan gula itu tidakl agi disimpan dalam bentuk glikogen(sumber tenaga).
Tetapi, disimpan dalam bentuk LEMAK!Jadinya LEMAK = GEMUK!
Jadi friends, hindari minuman yang tidak sihat seperti minuman
berkarbonat dan jus dalam botol .Banyakkan meminum air putih yang telah dimasak.
Bagi pengetahuan kengkawan air merupakan bahan yang cukup penting untuk tubuh badan.
Ia banyak digunakan dalam
· proses penghadaman,
· penyerapan
· pengangkutan zat, perkumuhan,
· pengawalan suhu badan dan bertindak
· sebagai pelincir bahagian tubuh yang bergerak.
Dalam satu hari, tubuh manusia kehilangan air lebih kurang satu perdua daripada jumlah air melalui pelbagai aktiviti.Oleh itu,disarankan untuk minum air putih antara 6-8 gelas
sehari dan jangan tunggu sehingga betul-betul dahaga baru nak cari air.
Sekiranya risau terlupa untuk minum air, bawalah sebotol air apabila pergi ke mana-mana.
Sebotol air yang diletakkan ke dalam beg tangan, adakah ia berat dan
menyusahkan ? Tak kan…
Itu sahaja untuk kali ini. Semoga bermanfaat dan terima kasih kerana sudi membaca blog daripada saya.
P.S. Kalau sekali sekala
nak minum minuman berkarbonat tak salah
pun. Tapi, buatlah perkiraan kalori
Kalau buleh minumlah air yg ditapis bersih dari baketria dan kuman.Kerana meminum air yg bersih yg ada garam mineral adalah yg paling terbaik untuk badan kita .As for me i drink tretment water from AMWAY WATER FILTER E-SPRING.belive me i never tasted water this good.Is worth your money and your HEALTH!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Do you know any wife that is sane being lonely? With or without kids? Well I do. I know a bunch of them, they are lonely and emptiness in their soul.But to my amaze they are all sane. They keep their duties as wife and mother top notch and being the happiest .Strange but true. The loneliness they endure making them more sane than insane.
Actually the secret is, they have “busy” with them all the time. Busy is new trend drugs that these women must have. It keeps them actually sane. “Busy” with work, home and life and all the things to keep the household moving. It makes the emptiness goes away for a while. But you cannot have too much “busy” it can worn out the lonely wife. They balance their life by having new friends,activities and pet.Busy but not making them tired.
Some may not understand these lonely wife..I mean yeah why should they be lonely when they have kids and husband? What is so lonely about that? The husband is 24/7 around the house, “busy” is always with them so why? Strange huh..well that’s the truth. There are such things as lonely wife. Some cannot cope and can go insane worst they cheat!“SNAP!” just like that. But some manage to keep the sanity tight with them. Is not easy but it can be done..
Reason these women /wife are lonely is because:-
- Whether your man is away on business, plays a lot of golf, or -- worse yet -- is just sitting there and not connecting with you, relationships can seem mighty lonely at times. Perhaps you feel like a placeholder in his life. The kids are taken care of, the house is clean, dates are made to see friends, but you don't feel he hears you when you talk, or empathizes with your problems, or supports you in your dreams and plans. Perhaps you don't do things together, or you always do what he wants to do, or you feel you've wasted hours in front of bad television.
- A woman and a friend, 34, in Penang, describes how her husband refuses to participate in their marriage. Their 8 1/2 years together has left her suffering from low self-esteem, depression, and a near emotional breakdown, she says. "The evenings are the hardest. We rarely have family meals together. Once the children are in bed the house is quiet. He really isn't home very often, or he comes home after the children have gone to bed or right at bedtime. If he is home, he doesn't communicate much. We wind up in separate rooms. That's the hardest time of the day for me."
- A new found friend of mine confess"We've only been married three years, but in that time we've had two kids," says Marina, 39, of JB, Johore "We're both so exhausted from working full-time and then coming home to have 'quality time' with the kids. Once they're entertained, fed, and put to bed, we both lepak out in front of the TV, not saying a thing. My husband seems to have lost interest in having 'dates' with me. Since he and I really never socialize on our own anymore, I do feel a tinge of loneliness at times."
- Some women become nothing more than a mother, housekeeper and wife who keeps the family running smoothly. Maybe she is feeling frumpy and unattractive. Her self-esteem is in the gutter…she no longer feels sexy, beautiful or desirable. She is married to a man who takes her and the marriage for granted.-Amelia,Kuantan.
Survivals Guides are:-
- Women/Wife you all must have a trusted girlfriends real good friends that can talk to .
- Do more new activities,that you can enjoy doing alone or find a group that can make your self busy but not tired
- Get a pet..maybe a cat,dog or hamster so that you can share your overflowing love
- If kids are inbed early,house cleaned and your husband watching TV,join him..or do interesting activities side by side him.Make your presence available so he will know that you are always beside him.
- Don'e ever cheat back, it wont save the marrige.Stay honest and dont let the insanity eat up ur emotion.You will win more if you don't cheat.
- Develop Your Own Social Life - Your husband cannot fulfill every need you have and that women do need other women - so look into women's group ker or any volunteer work with other women that can help you expand your circle of friends .
- Weekend Retreats - If your loneliness is pervasive, take a weekend away with a friend, a sister or just by yourself. Enjoy a weekend of relaxing and examine your feelings about your relationship - with you being the one away, do you miss your spouse? Are you anxious to get back to him? How do you feel when you do get home? Sometimes it takes being the one who is gone, for them to realize that you really do miss your husband
- Express Your Feelings to Your Spouse - Increase your level of contact with your spouse, especially if they are away, frequent emails and phone conversations can help you both increase your levels of intimacy, even when they are away and can help abate the sense of loneliness you are both feeling .But we as wife must make the move because we are the one feeling lonely.
- Schedule Your Dates - Date nights are vital to couples who have limited amounts of togetherness time - make sure you both get opportunities to pick the entertainment and the time - this allows you both time to jazz up your relationship .Go movie,dinner or just go out do things together.
- Talk about Your Separate Interests - If you and your spouse enjoy separate interests, develop ways to talk about it with each other - take joy in what they enjoy and share your joy in what you enjoy - too often couples don't talk about their uncommon interests and this can lead to deepening loneliness and make one partner or the other feel unappreciated
Loneliness is not a fun way to feel for anyone . Your spouse can't fix your feelings for you - so you have to be proactive to discover what it is that will help you overcome your own loneliness.So be Sane, keep your feet grounded,chin up.How hard you endure you must get over it..tell your self it ain going to be forever like this.Don't let insanity drive you still have people around you to love you.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Kenapa Harus Diet...
Apa khabar u all semua, diharapkan korang HAPPY bila baca blog saya kali ini KENAPA HARUS DIET.
Kenapa harus Happy pulak?Sebab saya nak bagi tip percuma mengenai diet kepada you all semua.
Di sini saya nak bertanya kat you all,
Kenapa berdiet?Dalam erti kata lain apakah tujuan berdiet?
Sebenarnya selain bertujuan mengurangkan berat badan,berdiet juga amat penting untuk kesihatan tubuh badan.Tanpa diet yang seimbang, akan menyebabkan diri berisiko untuk terkena penyakit berbahaya seperti
darah tinggi, kencing manis dan juga gout.Minta simpang penyakit semua nih kannn.
Apakah makna diet yang seimbang bagi kamu semua?
Diet yang seimbang bermaksud makanan yang diambil sama dengan jumlah tenaga
yang digunakan. Sebagai contoh, jika setiap hari menggunakan jumlah tenaga sebanyak 1200kJ maka makanan yang harus diambil adalah sebanyak 1200kJ juga.Atau kurangkan 300kJ daripada itu.Adalah tidak sihat jika pengambilan makanan melebihi jumlah tenaga ingin digunakan seharian.
Itu akan menyebabkan seseorang mudah mendapat Overweight iaitu kegemukan yg tak sesuai dengan ketinggian.Kalau tak jaga pemakanan kita ,dari OVERWEIGHT buleh jadi OBESITI pula.
TUUU DIA...I love food and i do really enjoy eating nice food.This is not so healthy food and a bad choice too .Sangat banyak calorie nih .Bukan tak buleh enjoy food buleh small portion,share your food and kalau nak makan jenis makanan macam ni jangan selalu ok "Once in the Blue Moon" jerrr.
So please watch what you eat, eat moderately dan selalu minum air dan mesti exercise ok.A reminder for my self too.So below are some tips yg saya nak share dengan you all semua dan juga pada diri sendiri...
- As we grow older our metabolism rate menurun terutamanya WANITA
- We need to increase our metabolism rate by restrict your calorie intake
- Kalau buleh, you should also try to plan your exercise for after meals, as that's when you will get the maximum effect of burning calories, instead of having your body convert those calories into stored fat.
- Kepelbagaian senaman will burn different amounts of calories, so plan your regular exercise routine into your calorie counting, it will give you an idea of how many pounds you can expect to lose and how quickly, so you can determine if you are on track to meet your goals.
- As a general rule, when dieting you should focus on natural foods, they contain the things that are important to our body and health - such as fiber, whole grains, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants (found often in fruits and vegetables). Not only are they better for us, but they also help reduce the risk of other health-related problems such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Supplements helps too in giving the full amount of nutrition,get the best supplement products for yourself yg tak ada coloring,pengawet dan bahan chemical yg berlebihan.
![]() |
Makanan yg seimbang yg penuh Karbohidrat,Protien,Serat dan PhytoNutrients |
- Generally speaking, try to avoid foods that have been highly processed, as they are less nutritious and healthy, but they also contain the things our body doesn't need or want - sugars, saturated fats, sodium, and preservatives.
A further tip is that drinking ice-cold water actually burns more calories, as your body needs to heat it up to absorb it properly, so if you have an ice water dispenser at home or at the office, fill up a glass regularly and keep it nearby.
Keeping a journal as you progress through your diet is a great way of tracking your progress. Keep track of everything you're eating, not only is it easier to count up the calories to make sure you're on the right path, but putting it on paper also makes you more aware of what you're eating throughout the day.
Not a good choice of food.Please avoid these type of food.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Hahah see how short and frumpy i look.With big arm and tight."Makcik".I posed side ways so i dont look like potato .
Let me tell you why...
I'm 34 years old (yup i never embrassed to tell my age) women,mother and wife with low metobolism due to age factor and bad lifestyle habits.I have a busy lifestyle and not eating right and malas dan benci nak bersenam and I'm overweight.OVERWEIGHT!Being fat was not my option.I just love to eat and tak kisah pasal what is my calories intake and i HATE bersenam.I like to take thing easy way out.I used to go to slimming centre all tak JADI.
My height is 157cm and my weight is 67kg..67kg! I'm short,dark skin with pimples but no pigmentation. and i have a huge "bumper".People make fun about me.Saying things about my bumper,saying how bulat i look and how short i am.and i look like makcik.I usally smile and make jokes about it.And they think i'm ok with it.Actually I hate when they say such when i'm sad i eat.Is my easy way out to cool my self down.
Sedih..bila kita overweight semua komen,semua nak tunjuk dia punya cara yg baik dan buleh pakai, bukan nya memberi inspirasi dan idea nak hidup sihat dan cara pemakanan yg betul,
Then i relize i have to end all this...i have to put a STOP.But when i said i'm on diet, all people give their so called "nasihat."Saying the diet i'm taking is not good and not suitable.They question me why i eat so little because usally i eat alot and with my body shape they know i can eat alot,no one want to share food with me because they assume i can finnish all.(i hate wasting food,amalan setan).Then again it de-motivated me .When i start to exercise..some say i have to do running for 40minits and so.Do that and this.Come on! i never excersice for 2 years and you all expected me to run for 30 minits?Just because you people have more lean body shape,please do not say things that you think can motivated me, i feel like is more insulting.Different people have different bodyshape and size.That does not mean your diet and exercise regime works on me.
Nobody motivated one.So i turn to food.My only companion.Since i can cook so cooking is also part of my theraphy.Then suddenly on 7th October ,i look in the mirror only with my undergarments .Looking me back was a ugly looking women or makcik(that is what some people called names to me) who is SAD and OVERWEIGHT.
I told my self.."Dont let anyone say things to hurt you..yes you do have weight issue and you must bring it down ,do it regardless what other says."
Since i got Plantar Fisitis, a pain at my lower foot.And a pain for flat foot.I cannot run so much because it will give mor impact on my knees and foot. So i must walk. First what i did was i must have a plan and stick to it.
- I make Jennifer Hudson and Jordin Sparks as my Inspiration.They both manage to loose weight
- I buy e-book from Kevin Zahri.Learn how to eat correctly with Malaysian Food and Diet and exercising according your phase.
- I excersice almost everyday.One hour the max.30 minits power walk and 30 minit kardio.I do on target ares such as tummy/abs and tight.But i also do other parts like for my buttocks,back and arm.Everyday i burn 200 calorie just on exercising.I know is not enough,but at least something from nothing.Adding on top of that,I do house work together with my maid and i park further and walk up to my 5th floor just to burn some calories.
- I watched what i McD,no junkfood,no can food,less salt and sugar and No 3in 1 Nescafe.I"m addicted to coffee so i take with no sugar and creamer .I replace rice to brown or multi grain bread.I make sure i'm taking 500-1000 calorie perday.I must eat 5 times a day 3 meals with 2 sneks in between.And i'm drinking more then 8 glasses of water and green tea.0 calorie water is wayyy much better.
- I'm also taking PROTIEN from NUTRILITE and meal replacement POSITRIM also from NUTRILITE.I usally mix in Protien powder and Positrim for my dinner.I keep busy to avoid myself thinking about food, at night teman anak baca buku or teman Iman practice her Piano.If lapar i drink susu Analene low fat milk .
- My snacks usally coffee without sugar and creamer nowdays and green apple or multi grain busciuts or plain yourgurt.
- I'm also taking other supplements such as DOUBLE X,CALCIUM and MAGNISUM,VIT C and GLUCOSAMINE for my week knees during excersice.These to help me to stay cergas,active and stay fit.Because everytime we excersice we dioxide so i take this anti-oxidant supplement to replace back.
"Optimal Health is the best health you are capable of, given your past and your genetic heritage."
This time i wont give up.With Kevin Zahri's book and guide by my side exercise right according to your capability and slowly increase the momentum,eating right with NUTRILITE supplement and meal replacment and with will power to slim down to my ideal weight according with my height and to make my self look youthfull with ARTISTRY skincare.Insyallah by 02.02.2012 i will achived my target.
And as i told you i hate exercise..but now all have change..
Nutrilite has been in existence for 75 years and is the only company that organically grows all its own plants which are used to produce their own nutritional products for optimal health! If you're looking for weight reduced products, Nutrilite can't help you! Nutrilite researches, grows and produces its own scientifically healthy products! And its certified ORAGNIC!
"Exercise is not my life.....exercise makes my life better!"
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Lama tak menulis kan.....almost a month..banyak perkara telah berlaku..yup I'm falling in LOVE again...and again..with the same person for the last 16 years.And I do found new CINTA along the way too.And the CINTA i share with my LOVE ones..especially to my children,parents, families and of course...the endless devotion and love is to Allah..which i keep it personal ya.Don't like to brag too much when it comes my LOVE to Allah.Is between us ONLY..
Well this time around I'm going to discuss about CINTA..such a lovely word and very power full indeed.Allah maha Kuasa mencipta perasaan ini Sungguh Agung dan Suci jika ia digunakan dgn cara yg betul dan jijik dan menyusahkan bila CINTA itu berpaling arah "betrayed".
Sebab CINTA buleh buat orang tu jadi GILA .Ya GILA BAYANG, ANGAU dan SEWEL dan sebab CINTA ada juga membuat seseorang tu positif macam komitment,teguh,displin...dan ada juga sanggup berkorban apa saja kerana CINTA
Jangan mudah memberi CINTA,dan hati hati pada CINTA pandang pertama...sebab CINTA itu buta tak kenal rupa paras dan harta.CINTA harus ikhlas dan disusuli dengan hormat.Tapi bila Nafsu "joint venture" hmmp lain pula ceritanya..itu cerita lain pulak ok..Pasal NAFSU itu LUST!
Well this time around I'm going to discuss about CINTA..such a lovely word and very power full indeed.Allah maha Kuasa mencipta perasaan ini Sungguh Agung dan Suci jika ia digunakan dgn cara yg betul dan jijik dan menyusahkan bila CINTA itu berpaling arah "betrayed".
Sebab CINTA buleh buat orang tu jadi GILA .Ya GILA BAYANG, ANGAU dan SEWEL dan sebab CINTA ada juga membuat seseorang tu positif macam komitment,teguh,displin...dan ada juga sanggup berkorban apa saja kerana CINTA
Apa itu cinta? Apa definisi CINTA menurut pandangan kamu?
Kalau akulah CINTA itu ABSTRAK .Setiap orang melihatnya berlainan dari sudut perspektif individu.
Kalau akulah CINTA itu ABSTRAK .Setiap orang melihatnya berlainan dari sudut perspektif individu.
Cinta adalah sebuah perasaan yang ingin membagi bersama atau sebuah perasaan afeksi terhadap seseorang.
- Wikipedia
- Wikipedia
Kasih sanggup berkorban dan tidak mengharapkan balasan, seperti bakti dari hati ikhlas ibubapa untuk anak-anak mereka.
- Cinta lemah kerana ia mengharapkan atau menuntut balasan cinta dari pihak yang satu.
- Cinta lahir kerana tarikan atau disebabkan saling tertarik dan berakhir bila tidak ada respon
- Cinta itu hodoh kerana dipenuhi perkara yang bodoh termasuk dengki, prasangka, gangguan emosi, gangguan kesihatan, aktiviti luar nikah, impian palsu, mimpi di siang hari, gila bayang, dalam dunia fantasi dsb.
- Cinta hanya akan menjadi matang bila berjaya mencapai ke tahap tertinggi sekali iaitu kasih . Kasih itu waras, sedar dengan apa yang dilakukannya, tidak mengharapkan balasan, mementingkan kebahagiaan yang dikasihi dan sanggup menderita, tidak melihat dirinya lebih penting daripada orang yang dikasihi, sanggup berkorban, memelihara dan bukan mengambil kesempatan, tidak mudah berprasangka, mencari jalan perdamaian, tidak meninggikan diri, jujur, ikhlas dan mendoakan orang yang dikasihinya walaupun mungkin dia sendiri disalah erti mahupun dibenci. Kasih tidak ada penghujungnya…
Love is just more a game for was made for me and you.So when you Love somebody..remember it comes with pengorbanan,keikhlasan dan kejujuran.
Jangan mudah memberi CINTA,dan hati hati pada CINTA pandang pertama...sebab CINTA itu buta tak kenal rupa paras dan harta.CINTA harus ikhlas dan disusuli dengan hormat.Tapi bila Nafsu "joint venture" hmmp lain pula ceritanya..itu cerita lain pulak ok..Pasal NAFSU itu LUST!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
I was a lonely child and love having friends by my side, that i can talk to,laugh and having fun together.
I have friends that always i count on, friends that will accept my good and bad.Always there for my shoulder to cry on.
Except me as what i am.Friends that i grow and share all the moments together.
These special friends has been around me when I'm in sorrow and in my happiness.Thank you and always forever be my closest friends forever.
I have friends that always i count on, friends that will accept my good and bad.Always there for my shoulder to cry on.
Except me as what i am.Friends that i grow and share all the moments together.
These special friends has been around me when I'm in sorrow and in my happiness.Thank you and always forever be my closest friends forever.
And these friends grows gracefully with me,loving them every each of the moment.Because each of you are very special individual to me.
Forever Friends and You can Count on me!
Special dedicated this song to you all...
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
“Your decision that you made today reflects what you going to have tomorrow and later on, so decide wisely. Use your mind and your heart not your emotion.” Babah-Mohd Sarif Musa
My father, the man I looked up to. He teaches me what is life and death .What is sadness, what happiness is, what is rich and what is poor. He never teach me based on textbook..but by his words of wisdom, jokes and stories. He is very strict and protective and yet always makes me laugh out loud.
He always said to me to think twice before making any decision. Is the decision that I made by my emotion or by mind? Who will be affected with the decision that I made? What are the risks? Can I handle the risks? Can I take it? Always discuss with parents or ederly get their point of view.How bad you want it and is it because everybody has it or is a need?
There are so many questions I have to answer before the decision is made. Is not easy for a simple needs like “can I go for a movie with my friends?” or “can I have this for dinner instead of these?” huh sound odd but yes…my father will have question for everything I do. From choosing which University to go, to jobs, friends and boyfriends. (I don’t discuss about boyfriends with my father that is so odd. Only with mom.)Is like telling mom-father will know.
But everything happens for a reason right? Even you have made the decision wisely and the effort to make it happened and yet it did not turn out as what we planned. But again I was planted from day 1..belive in Takdir , Qadaq and Qadar. Things did not work because….is it my fault or is it theirs? Always see both side of coin, Each tells a different stories .At the end never put too much blame on us or even others.Learn from mistakes and how to improvise about it.
That is what I have been thought…and it have been fill nicely for my resources for the journey of my life ahead without him by my side as guidance.
Babah with nephew semasa bercuti di Turki.
Di Masjid Nabawi with the boys....
Monday, September 19, 2011
Selamat Semuanya Wahai Iman...
Tak sangka ,tarikh lahir anak sulong aku sama dengan HARI MALAYSIA dan dalam mood Raya 1432H.Masuk tahun nih dah lapan tahun dah dia..sekejap betul masa berlalu.8 tahun dulu kakinya sebesar tapak tangan aku.Sekarang dah tinggi pandai berkata -kata dan bijak dalam pelajaran.
Anak sulung nih, banyak keistimewaannya.Ya lah, dia first born jadi semuanya pengalaman baru bagi both of us.Pengalaman masa mula-mula melahirkan dia susah tapi ya lah dengan kesabaran berjaya juga.Alhamdulillah lahir lah anak sulong kami Iman Yazmeen Hani yg beratnya hampir 4kg.Kini dia sebagai kakak kepada 2 orang adik sudah pandai memikul tanggungjawab sebagai dan juga Orang Kanan saya yg paling penting.
Anak sulung nih, banyak keistimewaannya.Ya lah, dia first born jadi semuanya pengalaman baru bagi both of us.Pengalaman masa mula-mula melahirkan dia susah tapi ya lah dengan kesabaran berjaya juga.Alhamdulillah lahir lah anak sulong kami Iman Yazmeen Hani yg beratnya hampir 4kg.Kini dia sebagai kakak kepada 2 orang adik sudah pandai memikul tanggungjawab sebagai dan juga Orang Kanan saya yg paling penting.
Hari jadi kali ini khusus disambut bersama teman baik dan adik tersayang.Itulah permintaannya.Selama ini dia tidak menceritakan siapa teman baiknya.Malah dia tak punya ramai kawan.Hanya tertentu sahaja, kali ni Iman seperti nak memperkenalkan kawan baiknya kapada saya.
Tema kali ni..POWER PUFF GIRLS ,dia peminat no1.Ini kerana PPG melambangkan kekuatan, bijak,kecomelan, dan semangat kerjasama.Ya harap begitulah dia dan adiknya-adiknya.Merasakan dirinya Blossom yg mempunyai born leadership,berfikiran jauh,playfull spirit dan relible.Seorang yg tegas dan perfectionist dalam segala hal. Malah Iman adalah seorang yg honest and reliable. Tak malu dalam melaksanakan tanggungjawab and would be logical and rational in her thought process. Understanding and analyzing people itu lah Iman,meneliti orang sebelum dia berkenalan.Patutlah tak ramai kawan.Anyway is ok,berhati hati dalam pemilihan kawan.Iman suka membaca dan menghafal sungguh jauh berbeza dari saya. Itulah anak saya yg saya bangga dan sayang.
Dear Iman
Mama wishes you happy birthday,u are are usually quite easy to raise. You are super neat, organized, and have a gentle sense of humor . Insyallah ur wishes will come true.Hope you are happy always and mama always love you unconditionally.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Seorang Putri Yg Baik Hati-Izwah Yazmin
Al-Kisah seorang Putri yg aku kenali..
Putri Izwah or Izwah good looking and forever slim and slander woman with brains, a very interesting and mysterious person. She has a fast movement and she could not sit still or stand still long. Always and must be on the move.Be it masa kerja or even being temporary heheh housewife.This Putri of mine is able to do many things at the same time and do it fast.
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She is soo busy and always on the move still manage to have another bundle of joy.Atilia Puteri yg ke 4 Comeyyyyy. |
She is a dreamer and has many dreams. She eager to learn something
new all the time. Even she is the 2 in 1 mixed character type.Even when she likes to be friend with me and wonder about my wit, she will also see and inspect my bad side at the same time, because it is in her nature. But I don’t mind because to be a good BFF we must except the bad and good about us .
new all the time. Even she is the 2 in 1 mixed character type.Even when she likes to be friend with me and wonder about my wit, she will also see and inspect my bad side at the same time, because it is in her nature. But I don’t mind because to be a good BFF we must except the bad and good about us .
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Buruk dan Baik aku ,terima seadanya dengan hati terbuka dan ikhlas. |
Izwah suka join apa jua activities with the same energy that I have. Kalau I ada new projects dan tahu aku ada masalah ker atau benda baru nak cuba, she can give me good advice.Once you get to know her, she will be a supportive person and always be beside you.
She has a beautiful dream and she loves to have someone walk side by side with her, together and equally. She can be your best buddy and talk to you about anything.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Partner In Crime -Amirah Bakri
Well what can I Amirah Bakri is my partner in doing Crime and Justice.Both of us the Gadis from the “The Land of 9 Countries ” (heheh.Sound like a Super Heroin Comic.)We both must have a car or should i say SUPER MOBILE..kalau tak ,patah kaki lah Heroin ni ,nak buat "JUSTICE"kena lah ada kereta . We love going out..hobi lah katakan. And her house is like the “IBU PEJABAT” where food and place to do the "crime"and lepak after school .Tea breaks are superb,tea and goreng pisang panas or whatever kuih always serve with warm hearted Amirah’s mom.
Sleepover at her place was somewhat I feel comfort. I enjoyed being around with her family.I recall tidur rumah wan dan atok dia at Seremban..BEST giler !Even my arwah babah likes Miera,and except her a part of our family too. I guess she must missing my babah too……………….
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Miera's mom terbaik.Baik sungguh melayan aku yg tak tau malu nih,asal datang jer sure ada teh o dan kuih.Mak aku pon tak terlayan aku.Thanks Makcik Husna. |
Yg pergi tetap dan pasti,tapi Allah balikkan dengan Anugerah yg tak ternilai ini. Anak Miera yg ke-4.Paling latest.Ammar namanya.Macam nama umi dia Amirah
She is Born under the same star like my mom and my husband, so is easy for me to understand her. But I find Miera a little bit strange , she is not like other Taurean supposed to be ,homebodies and prefer to spend their time there. She love to be out of the house driving to new shops and food place to venture and happening places to be.Of course when we were not married both of us will go out and do things together like shopping , go to movies and eat out sampai lewat malam baru balik.I remember we even go to few mosque during Ramadhan just to try out the moreh , solat kat masjid yg berlainan..Ramadhan masa tu best sangat. We love trying new things.
She is Born under the same star like my mom and my husband, so is easy for me to understand her. But I find Miera a little bit strange , she is not like other Taurean supposed to be ,homebodies and prefer to spend their time there. She love to be out of the house driving to new shops and food place to venture and happening places to be.Of course when we were not married both of us will go out and do things together like shopping , go to movies and eat out sampai lewat malam baru balik.I remember we even go to few mosque during Ramadhan just to try out the moreh , solat kat masjid yg berlainan..Ramadhan masa tu best sangat. We love trying new things.
Miera is a loyal and faithful BFF..ask her to teman kemana-mana dia pasti ikut , join any club,MLM, do that and this she sure be there. She sure will give the support that I need. Traditional traits of Miera that I find interesting is her emotional strength .She don’t become upset easily ,she also avoid looking for sympathy and she will instead rely on her independence and fortitude to get through a stressful situation but don’t provoke her,she have volatile tempers and the capacity for extreme kedegilan.Hahahah she won't budge on her views unless she's given a very good reason to change them.Ini tersangat Miera yg aku kenal
But again Miera is always happy and positive in life and makes other feel happy by her side. She’s independence, introversion, and have a flair for the artistic. Aha! She is Artistic…I guess no one knew about this. I dah tahu lama..just that she never expose her ability. But now baru aku tahu she can bake Apam Polkodot! Check it out.
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Ni Yg aku Order from her.I support Miera apa jua dia buat.I hope dan doakan dia terus buat Apam yg kiut miut nih jadi BUSINESS BESAR!. |
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Ni lah Apam Polkodot Miera..nampak best.Ceria sangat color dia. |
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