Apa khabar u all semua, diharapkan korang HAPPY bila baca blog saya kali ini KENAPA HARUS DIET.
Kenapa harus Happy pulak?Sebab saya nak bagi tip percuma mengenai diet kepada you all semua.
Di sini saya nak bertanya kat you all,
Kenapa berdiet?Dalam erti kata lain apakah tujuan berdiet?
Sebenarnya selain bertujuan mengurangkan berat badan,berdiet juga amat penting untuk kesihatan tubuh badan.Tanpa diet yang seimbang, akan menyebabkan diri berisiko untuk terkena penyakit berbahaya seperti
darah tinggi, kencing manis dan juga gout.Minta simpang penyakit semua nih kannn.
Apakah makna diet yang seimbang bagi kamu semua?
Diet yang seimbang bermaksud makanan yang diambil sama dengan jumlah tenaga
yang digunakan. Sebagai contoh, jika setiap hari menggunakan jumlah tenaga sebanyak 1200kJ maka makanan yang harus diambil adalah sebanyak 1200kJ juga.Atau kurangkan 300kJ daripada itu.Adalah tidak sihat jika pengambilan makanan melebihi jumlah tenaga ingin digunakan seharian.
Itu akan menyebabkan seseorang mudah mendapat Overweight iaitu kegemukan yg tak sesuai dengan ketinggian.Kalau tak jaga pemakanan kita ,dari OVERWEIGHT buleh jadi OBESITI pula.
TUUU DIA...I love food and i do really enjoy eating nice food.This is not so healthy food and a bad choice too .Sangat banyak calorie nih .Bukan tak buleh enjoy food buleh makan..eat small portion,share your food and kalau nak makan jenis makanan macam ni jangan selalu ok "Once in the Blue Moon" jerrr.
So please watch what you eat, eat moderately dan selalu minum air dan mesti exercise ok.A reminder for my self too.So below are some tips yg saya nak share dengan you all semua dan juga pada diri sendiri...
- As we grow older our metabolism rate menurun terutamanya WANITA
- We need to increase our metabolism rate by restrict your calorie intake
- Kalau buleh, you should also try to plan your exercise for after meals, as that's when you will get the maximum effect of burning calories, instead of having your body convert those calories into stored fat.
- Kepelbagaian senaman will burn different amounts of calories, so plan your regular exercise routine into your calorie counting, it will give you an idea of how many pounds you can expect to lose and how quickly, so you can determine if you are on track to meet your goals.
- As a general rule, when dieting you should focus on natural foods, they contain the things that are important to our body and health - such as fiber, whole grains, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants (found often in fruits and vegetables). Not only are they better for us, but they also help reduce the risk of other health-related problems such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Supplements helps too in giving the full amount of nutrition,get the best supplement products for yourself yg tak ada coloring,pengawet dan bahan chemical yg berlebihan.
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Makanan yg seimbang yg penuh Karbohidrat,Protien,Serat dan PhytoNutrients |
- Generally speaking, try to avoid foods that have been highly processed, as they are less nutritious and healthy, but they also contain the things our body doesn't need or want - sugars, saturated fats, sodium, and preservatives.
A further tip is that drinking ice-cold water actually burns more calories, as your body needs to heat it up to absorb it properly, so if you have an ice water dispenser at home or at the office, fill up a glass regularly and keep it nearby.
Keeping a journal as you progress through your diet is a great way of tracking your progress. Keep track of everything you're eating, not only is it easier to count up the calories to make sure you're on the right path, but putting it on paper also makes you more aware of what you're eating throughout the day.
Not a good choice of food.Please avoid these type of food.
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