Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My Middle Of Ramadhan 1433

Salam and Good Day Everyone,

As you know today is the 20th Ramadhan,meaning it is our 20days of fasting.Alhamdulillah everyday for me is blessing from Allah.This year only once or twice i bought food at the food bazzar and only twice i did my Iftar out from home,not with my friends but because of my job.
I prefer to cook and Iftar with my family.Especially with my husband and my kids. But this middle of Ramadhan makes me very sad,i don't know whether i will be seeing another Ramadhan, but i pray that i want to see the next coming Ramadhan.On top of that I lost a friend..Inna Lilla ha wa inna eleh Rajeoon.

Elly was a wonderful friend.She usally enjoy listen to my stories and jokes.She passed away peacfully last Sunday 5th August 17th Ramadhan.Even we are not close, but we still friends.There are very few things in life that are harder to face than the sudden death of  a friend. The loss of their life can make you feel like you have an enormous hole inside yourself.Especially when you did not have time just to pay her a visit.I felt full of regret.We only communicate thru facebook when she fall sick last year.But last few month she was in good condition.In June she invited me to her daughter birthday party, i could not make it as i have other plans that day.

Oh i wish i could visit her , hug her and say you are looking much better now.But now is just too late.Allah love her more.She will be in my toughts and prayer.

Everyone shall taste death. And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever is removed away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is successful. The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception (a deceiving thing).

( سورة آل عمران , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #185)

So are we ready for our Death?

Hamid al-Qasyrasi (rahimahullah) said:

“Though we know death is certain, we have not prepared ourselves for it.
Though we know paradise is definite, we have not worked for it.
Though we know the hell fire is certain, we have not feared it.
So why are you delighted?
What are you waiting for?
Death is the first visitor from the Almighty bringing good or evil tidings… so get closer to your Lord!”

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Himpunan Mukjizat Doa & Zikir: Bagi Anak Yang Teramat Degil

Himpunan Mukjizat Doa & Zikir: Bagi Anak Yang Teramat Degil:   Allah Maha Lembut terhadap hamba-hambanya DIA memberi rezeki kepada sesiapa yang dikehendakinya dan DIA lah yang Maha Kuat lagi Maha Perkasa.Maha Penyayang,Maha Pengampun...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Ceramah Ustaz Azhar Idrus di Masjid Bulat PJ 29/7/2012

Assalamulaikum semua,Dah 12 Ramadhan kan..sekejappp sangat.

Bagaimana puasa  setakat ini? ok masih yg bertahan? Amal ibadah semua ok?Dah check semua?Ada bayar Zakat tak? Ada sedekah tak? Ada marah -marah tak? Ada ngumpat tak? Kalau ada cuba control banyak ok..susah kan nak kawal,biaslah benda sedap susah nak let go.Tapi kita kena lah kawal sikit ok.Cuba  ok.Bukan untuk kita, tapi untuk Allah.

Baiklah,aktiviti ahad lepas sangat menarik,Ustaz Azhar Idrus datang berkunjung ke Masjid Bulat PJ, menajwab segala kemusykilan.Ramai yg hadir memeriahkan suasana.Kira jam kat luar masjid tu macam solat Jumaat.Siapa ada gerai jualan barangan dan makanan dari arab macam kurma,kismis dan sebagainya.

Mak dok kira duit derma.Alhamdulillah semua nya cukup. 
 Macam biasa mak aku sebok dari pukul 12.00 tengah hari.Siann mak bertugas dari sebelum Zohor sampai nak bukak Puasa.Mak orang kuat kat masjid,dia menguruskan kutipan derma untuk masjid dibantu oleh sukarelawan dari Student UIA di PJ..Tapi mak aku steadyyyy.Tepat jam 5.00 lepas solat asar Ustaz Ahzar pon memberi ceramahnya, kita kaum Hawa dok kat bawah dewan masjid ada tengok kat situ jer lah.Aku dok betul sebelah speaker heheh tuuu dia.

Mak kata "Awat tak mai solat asar sekali..mai lambat.Nizam dan budak mana?" heheh Mak aku biasalah.Aku jawab" Sumi off day mak, so Nizam jaga budak dia pon nak pergi,tapi anak pulak tidor.Jadi su jer solat kat umah jer mak".Nasib baik suami izin kan..siannn suami aku nakk sangat pergi.Elok jer aku berdedar, Sumi aku balik.Aku call Suami aku jom la mai,dia kat"takpa lah you pi,i nak beli budak KFC,iman nak bukak puasa.Kirim salam ek kat Ustaz"...insyallah kalau i ada berpeluang bercakap dengan dia.

Memang jam lah masjid , ramainyer orang.Ustaz menjawab beberapa kemusykilan hal berkenaan agama.
Ini Adalah antara AJK masjid.dan orang kuat Masjid sempat bermesara dengan Ustaz.Seprti Prof Dr Dzul, Tuan Haji Hanafi dan qariah masjid yang hadir pada ceramahnya semalam.

Insyallah Ustaz Azhar akan kembali ke Masjid Bulat ni lagi.