Friday, March 30, 2012

Memori Nasi Lemak.......

Inilah Air Tangan Mommylicious Deena for her daughters.Nasi Lemak!

        Al kisah....pasal nasi lemak,siapa yang tak pernah makan nasi lemak.Nasi lemak is very close to me, sebab it invokes the feeling of family togetherness.
Bibik Sumi aku introduce dia makan nasi lemak daun pisang haaa terus suka.Kalau Bibik Sumi tak pandai buat hmm tak tau lerr
Mak aku ,mak mentua aku dan aku sendiri siap ajar macam mana nak buat siap ngan sambal sekali .Penangan Nasi Lemak Malaysia terbaikk..When I was small, nasi lemak was often prepared on Sunday mornings. 
 Mak aku akan mula masak lepas solat subuh.That was a wonderful moment, aku ,abang,mak dan arwah babah makan  breakfast in a relaxed atmosphere as we didn't have school, and got to eat with our parents.Dan kini aku aplikasikan tradisi tu dengan my family pula..with my girls.They love Nasi Lemak.Kalau kat Somban dulu, all my aunts chipped in to help my Wan cook, which made us the,cucu's feel proud of their efforts.

     Tapi masakan Nasi lemak ni berbeza-neza dari setiap orang.Ada yg bubuh halba ada yg bubuh daun pandan atau batang serai nak bagi wangi.Terpulang,dan sambal ada dengan bawang,sotong kering atau ikan bilis.Mana mana pon ok.

Nasi lemak nih is a complete breakfast set that is both nutritious and easily available, nasi lemak appeals to people of all backgrounds and ages today.

Keunikan nasi lemak is apabila di bungkus ngan daun pisang dengan  kertas surat khabar..ntah kenapa kombinasi ni buat nasi lemak tu aroma dia membangkitkan selero.Kat Jitra,Kedah  kampung mak aku tahun 1988-89 macam tu lah..nasi lemak bungkus dengan ikan masin 40 sen.Bayangkan lah aku makan sampai RM1.20 hahaha.Taklah besar bungkusan tu tapi sedap.Ada ikan masin tuu adoii dengan samabal bawang..mana nak car sekarang nihh??But tinggal memori jer lah nasi lemak 40sen or 50sen.Semakin hari semakin mahal pulak nasi lemak ada yg sampai RM 5.Sebab ada ayam dan bagai.Someties we just need those basic nasi lemak kan.Tapi nasi lemak bungkus dalam foam pack or plastic pack tak feel authentic,kena daun pisang gak.

Sampaikan ada movie Nasi Lemak 2.0 from our local director and actors.You see, how Nasi Lemak is part of Malaysian.Ye lah kan ..ada Rojak Singapura,Nasi Ayam Singapura dan etc etc .But Nasi Lemak is ours.."NASI LEMAK TRULY MALAYSIAN"

Asalnya Nasi Lemak  menjadi favourite breakfast choice because memberi tenaga yg banyak kalori untuk kaum petani yg membanting tulang pagi petang ,tapi kalau kita yg duduk kerja di office makan 2 bungkus hmmm alamtnya sendiri mau ingat lah kannnNasi lemak tak lah memudaratkan…tapi setiap apa kita makan kena sederhana jangan berlebih sebab buleh mengundang masalah berat badan..bukan sebab Nasi Lemak,tapi pengambilan nasi lemak ituwww.Sebungkus share lah kalau perut tu tangki kancil.
Kalau tangki sedan makan sebungkus basic sudah lah Perut Kancil, selera Macam Lori satu tan…tuu dia Nasi lemak semua ada ayam,paru,sambal ,telur goreng dan rebus  fuuuuhh.Tapi kalau nak makan almost every day, ganti ngan susu lemak rendah dan lebihkan sayuran kangkung,timun atau tomato.Anyway itulah makanan ruji orang Malaysia,dok lah mana kat dunia ni pon teringat kat Nasi Lemak.Regardsles our   races..baikMelayu,India ,Cina,Kadazan,Portugese,Eurasian,Bidayuh,Iban dan Lain Lain  semua makan Nasi Lemak dan ada yg buleh masak nasi lemak.Rasa akan berbeza sebab air tanagn masing-masing that's what makes as "Malaysia Truly Asia"  :)

“Malaysians' love affair with the traditional dish has more than a historical bearing -- the attachment may be emotional, too.” Chef Wan

Monday, March 26, 2012

F1 FEVER 2012......

  F1 fever again ..but this year is a bit different for me.I had  a chance to go to the "Twin Tower F1" concert and "almost" wanted to drive to KLCC with this amazing machine FERRARI.Alhamdulillah i have given this chance of a life time.Thanks to Izwah  and Fuzzy my lovely friends that have given me a chance to "merasa."
  Life this year 2012 berbunga-bunga for me..hehehe.I might not have everything i wish and wanted ..tapi to have it sekali sekala dalam hidup why not.

Tin tin pon pon..nak pick up Alfonso pergi concert heheh jom!
So i'm driving  this red scarlet to KLCC (berangan!kannn) to meet up with my lovely BFF .

So bermulah concert ituwww hehehe
Top local artistes like  James Baum, Reshmonu, Elecoldxhot, DJ Nadine and DJ Prem added some Malaysian flavour to the star-studded concert .But we were there for GG and Nicole heheh :).

First show was GG .The Korean wave hit the nation's capital hard as K-Pop princesses  rocked the Twin Towers @Live 2012 concert.The South Korean pop group entertained thousands of fans on a specially constructed stage at KLCC, with the  majestic Petronas Twin Towers as the stunning backdrop.The crowd went wild for Girls' Generation as they performed some of their biggest hits such as Run Devil Run, The Boys and Hoot.

They are so comel..macam nak bawak balik..hehehe

(Thanx to OhBulan! picture)

Anyway later we had so much fun..and dihiburkan oleh Miss Nicole Scherzinger yg sangat bertenaga with her dance routine yg sangat mantap dari Inul  ok,hahahah check it out!!(runwithtime.blogspot picture of Miss Nicole).

.Is so hard to get close up pictures semua ..anyway
She has "more" clothes on her this time but that doesn't mean that she is not sexy . She's basically covered up her body except for her face and two palms! ;)

Anyway i had so much  fun till Midnight...and got another gift giler!Macam mimpi yg indah sangat..

Tiket tengok FI hehehe Saturday and Sunday siap buleh pilihan hmmm

I went back with such a great nite with ...dah lama i did not have this much fun.Thanks Girlfriends of Gemini you really make this Aqua babe terujaaaaa!

Friday, March 23, 2012

You are Beautiful and Nobody is Perfect ,so Be Young ,Be Foolish and Happy!

I'm not ugly looking girl anymore that i used to be,
I've learn to trust my self how do i look and what bodyshape i'm into it,
& leave the petty and small issues away about being ugly.
I dont forgive people who condemn me,who judge me who thinks i'm not 'cun', not fashionable or slim,sexy  enough to be their friends because I'm weak, I forgive them because I'm strong enough,i'm beautifull inside out ,being who i am and to know that people make mistakes judgment about me.
It's hard to grow up in a society where you will never be the pretty girl. Everyone seems to have everything you don't. And dreams are always one cloud away from where you are.

When I was little I had this idea that life could be perfect. That if you were careful enough, you'd never make a mistake, never be lonely, never be misunderstood, never be frightened, but it doesn't work that way. Life is big and messy, and you just have to climb in it with your boots on and hope for the best."
Half of life is messing up; the other half is dealing with it.
The tragedy of life isn’t that it ends too soon it’s that we wait to long to begin it

SO then i relize that i must live to be young again ,is good for the soul in me. My handfull Girlfrinds makes me young ,lively and vibrant,My kids make me do crazy things like those young kids do ...jumping,skipping and running around and my husband makes me like those teen days where you are still cute and adorable to his eyes..(even i dont look any much younger nowdays) go out for midnight movies or snacks.(we do sneak out ,so that our kids wont know what we are up to  ;) )

Yes I now I am just too much meat and fat but being silly and young is my top pirority in my life it or not.

There is not a shred of evidence to support the theory that life is meant to be serious.When we were young we do stupid things,some we regret some it was the supanova thing in life we will not forget.
Be carefree,be fun,dont be judgemental about others, dont be proud(sombong) and boastfull (riak)just be young and happy because that makes you and me beautifull and looking much younger day by day and thankfull/syukur Alhamdulillah what ever Allah have given to you and me.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Am I too late ? To be in 2012??


Hello Folks..i guess i'm late right? It seems everybody already in the move in this year.Well never too late then never..Last year was ups and down in my life and hopefully this year i will be much stronger,wiser and mature enough to handle things.

I have been away  since Nov 11-till up to date 5 month?? hahahah.Within that 5 month so many things had happend.Alhamdulillah i'm happy to say i shed some of my fats.As you all know i was 67.5kg now i'm already 60kg.Well to shed 7.5kg is not a easy task.But i wont target is 50kg.Another 10 kg more.I know i can because i used to be that weight before.

So again i'm back on the treadmill,healty diets,excersise and also being happy.I'm trying not to stress up last few month.My new year was just new resolution just berdoa/pray that i must finish the things i do.Which i have been piling up for years..such as being slim and beautifull hahahah this is all time fav wish,more time with kids and husband and more time in reading alQuran.I'm not pious no i'm not..but being 30++ hahhaha..i must be back on track in my religion.I must get back to the path.I do not want until i'm old and no energy to do my religous duties.I must do now as im still strong and still have the urge to learn.

Learning Quran is just not reading much more than that is understand the Tajwid and Constantly reading till my death..and learning Islam is not just about knowing what is Tauhid,Fiqh and Seerah is about life and responsibilites.

Again.. I think I will like this a year of Super Something..Insyallah.

Alhamdulillah Celebrating my 10years Annivessary at Pangkor Island last February 2012