Do you know any wife that is sane being lonely? With or without kids? Well I do. I know a bunch of them, they are lonely and emptiness in their soul.But to my amaze they are all sane. They keep their duties as wife and mother top notch and being the happiest .Strange but true. The loneliness they endure making them more sane than insane.
Actually the secret is, they have “busy” with them all the time. Busy is new trend drugs that these women must have. It keeps them actually sane. “Busy” with work, home and life and all the things to keep the household moving. It makes the emptiness goes away for a while. But you cannot have too much “busy” it can worn out the lonely wife. They balance their life by having new friends,activities and pet.Busy but not making them tired.
Some may not understand these lonely wife..I mean yeah why should they be lonely when they have kids and husband? What is so lonely about that? The husband is 24/7 around the house, “busy” is always with them so why? Strange huh..well that’s the truth. There are such things as lonely wife. Some cannot cope and can go insane worst they cheat!“SNAP!” just like that. But some manage to keep the sanity tight with them. Is not easy but it can be done..
Reason these women /wife are lonely is because:-
- Whether your man is away on business, plays a lot of golf, or -- worse yet -- is just sitting there and not connecting with you, relationships can seem mighty lonely at times. Perhaps you feel like a placeholder in his life. The kids are taken care of, the house is clean, dates are made to see friends, but you don't feel he hears you when you talk, or empathizes with your problems, or supports you in your dreams and plans. Perhaps you don't do things together, or you always do what he wants to do, or you feel you've wasted hours in front of bad television.
- A woman and a friend, 34, in Penang, describes how her husband refuses to participate in their marriage. Their 8 1/2 years together has left her suffering from low self-esteem, depression, and a near emotional breakdown, she says. "The evenings are the hardest. We rarely have family meals together. Once the children are in bed the house is quiet. He really isn't home very often, or he comes home after the children have gone to bed or right at bedtime. If he is home, he doesn't communicate much. We wind up in separate rooms. That's the hardest time of the day for me."
- A new found friend of mine confess"We've only been married three years, but in that time we've had two kids," says Marina, 39, of JB, Johore "We're both so exhausted from working full-time and then coming home to have 'quality time' with the kids. Once they're entertained, fed, and put to bed, we both lepak out in front of the TV, not saying a thing. My husband seems to have lost interest in having 'dates' with me. Since he and I really never socialize on our own anymore, I do feel a tinge of loneliness at times."
- Some women become nothing more than a mother, housekeeper and wife who keeps the family running smoothly. Maybe she is feeling frumpy and unattractive. Her self-esteem is in the gutter…she no longer feels sexy, beautiful or desirable. She is married to a man who takes her and the marriage for granted.-Amelia,Kuantan.
Survivals Guides are:-
- Women/Wife you all must have a trusted girlfriends real good friends that can talk to .
- Do more new activities,that you can enjoy doing alone or find a group that can make your self busy but not tired
- Get a pet..maybe a cat,dog or hamster so that you can share your overflowing love
- If kids are inbed early,house cleaned and your husband watching TV,join him..or do interesting activities side by side him.Make your presence available so he will know that you are always beside him.
- Don'e ever cheat back, it wont save the marrige.Stay honest and dont let the insanity eat up ur emotion.You will win more if you don't cheat.
- Develop Your Own Social Life - Your husband cannot fulfill every need you have and that women do need other women - so look into women's group ker or any volunteer work with other women that can help you expand your circle of friends .
- Weekend Retreats - If your loneliness is pervasive, take a weekend away with a friend, a sister or just by yourself. Enjoy a weekend of relaxing and examine your feelings about your relationship - with you being the one away, do you miss your spouse? Are you anxious to get back to him? How do you feel when you do get home? Sometimes it takes being the one who is gone, for them to realize that you really do miss your husband
- Express Your Feelings to Your Spouse - Increase your level of contact with your spouse, especially if they are away, frequent emails and phone conversations can help you both increase your levels of intimacy, even when they are away and can help abate the sense of loneliness you are both feeling .But we as wife must make the move because we are the one feeling lonely.
- Schedule Your Dates - Date nights are vital to couples who have limited amounts of togetherness time - make sure you both get opportunities to pick the entertainment and the time - this allows you both time to jazz up your relationship .Go movie,dinner or just go out do things together.
- Talk about Your Separate Interests - If you and your spouse enjoy separate interests, develop ways to talk about it with each other - take joy in what they enjoy and share your joy in what you enjoy - too often couples don't talk about their uncommon interests and this can lead to deepening loneliness and make one partner or the other feel unappreciated
Loneliness is not a fun way to feel for anyone . Your spouse can't fix your feelings for you - so you have to be proactive to discover what it is that will help you overcome your own loneliness.So be Sane, keep your feet grounded,chin up.How hard you endure you must get over it..tell your self it ain going to be forever like this.Don't let insanity drive you still have people around you to love you.