Siapa tak suka kawin..syok kan.Aku paling suka gi kenduri kawin...tak kira lah keluarga aku punya ker atau friends ker.Wedding is the ceremony in which two people are united in marriage or a similar institution. Wedding traditions and customs vary greatly between cultures, ethnic groups, religions, countries, and social classes. Most wedding ceremonies involve an exchange of wedding vows by the couple, presentation of a gift (offering, ring(s), symbolic item, flowers, money), and a public proclamation of marriage by an authority figure or leader. Special wedding garments are often worn, and the ceremony is sometimes followed by a wedding receptionDan tak kira bangsa...semua aku suka pergi jika ada peluang.Aku suka tengok cara keluarga mereka raikan perkahwinan dari makanan ,perhiasan dan hantaran.Sometimes music, poetry, prayers or readings from religious texts or literature are also commonly incorporated into the ceremony.
Anyway..bagi aku perkahwinan ni suci dan happines.Satu ikatan yg sangat murni dan selamanya.Bila kita dah kahwin semua berubah 360 degrees in thier lifestyle.I love wedding...
Muslim Wedding must go thru the Solemnise or Akad Nikah.The marriage contract that binds the marital union is called the Akad Nikah, a verbal agreement sealed by a financial sum known as the mas kahwin, and witnessed by three persons. Unlike in the past when the father of the bride customarily acts as the officiant for the ceremonial union, current-day Malay weddings are now officiated by the kadhi, a marriage official and Shariat or Syariat Court religious officer |
Here are some wedding pictures i like to random.
Love the food too....for malay wedding biasa lah lauk dia..but ala western something different.
Tunggu my next course.. |
Makan style melayu moden |
Style Makan Kenduri biasa.. |
And some wedding deco cantik juga....................
KC,the office mate. |
Siap ada nama aku tuuu...Wahh! |
Ahhh the beuifull wife of KC..Crystal...
Some are simple...but family matters! Meriah semua my nephews and nice bila wedding buat di rumah, lebih selesa dan lebih mesra.You can relax while spending time dengan families yang jarang kita jumpa.
Orang berkahwin ni bertanggungjawab secara keseluruhannya terhadap rumah tangga dan ahli keluarga. Segala perbuatan yang dilakukan demi kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan keluarga mendapat pahala daripada Allah. Perkahwinan merupakan suatu sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w bagi meneruskan dakwahnya mengatasi masalah sosial dalam masyarakat, mewujudkan perpaduan di kalangan umat Islam untuk melahirkan generasi yang soleh. Insyallah ....Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w
Daripada Anas .a, katanya telah bersabda nabi S.A.W bahawa perkahwinan adalah sunnahku, sesiapa yang benci sunnahku, maka dia bukan dari golonganku.
Allah S.W.T menjadikan manusia dengan fitrahnya yang ingin hidup berpasang-pasangan, berkasih-sayang, bahagia, dan dapat memenuhi tuntutan syahwatnya melalui cara yang halal. Fitrah tersebut dapat dilaksanakan melalui ikatan perkahwinan yang sah.
Beutiful nephew and our new member of the family my New Niece.Lovely..simple and yet very memorable. |
Some Wedding dari cetusan idea creative mereka sendiri.Semua wedding concept dan planning dari couple berdua ni ,semuanya mereka buat sendiri.Baru puas hati dari jahit baju kawin sendiri,dan hiasan pelamin pun buat sendir.Kelasss.This is what i calle a wedding with Creativity Romanticly Touch with Simplicity of Love .
Adnan & Hasliana, not just lovebirds, but Two Creative Minds and Soul United . |
Friends pon datang memeriahkan susana..miss all my AD16 Unimates and lecturer Mr Anas.Miss u all very much..sayangnya tak dapat hadir :( hu hu. Ini lah kemeriahan wedding...
As for me,the purpose of marriage is to spiritually, emotionally and physically unite a man and a women together, as husband and wife, in a covenantal relationship between themselves and their Creator.
Marriage is one of the most important commitments that someone can make during their lifetime. If you are considering making a marriage commitment, it is important to reflect on the type of commitment that you will be making with the person you plan to marry.